Cinematic or literary ending?


It has been a while. Life has presented all kinds of dramas and decisions had to be made that would determine what direction 2015 would take. The start of the year was bittersweet in that there were a few endings or the beginnings of endings.

The only question that remains is whether the ending will be Leaving Las Vegas or Edgar Allan Poe.

One thought on “Cinematic or literary ending?

  1. Well, I hope it goes well. I have made a lot of changes in 2014, working more independently instead of with the company I did forever. Having minor health complications that go on forever: dislocated shoulder in fall of 13, pinched nerve [from too tight a belt] in the summer of 2014, twisted foot from swivelling on pad in shoes summer of 2014…..all complicated things with lots of pain, yet physically the last two amounting to not much. Dislocated shoulders, I don’t recommend at all, however. Got most of the range of motion back, but not all, and especially not all on cold, damp days.

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