The cost of ice


Some moments in life feel frozen – not just me and my inability to take action one way or another. But the moments themselves. Nothing is moving around me – at least not in my vicinity or sphere of influence. Even though I make decisions, make changes, move pieces around the chess board, I’m paralyzed by a sense of being stuck.

A few ill-advised decisions coupled with corporate ineptitude and the most capitalist-greed-driven set of economic conditions of my lifetime (and I’ve seen some blizzards in my day), and I’ve got a whirlwind of new decisions to make. And even though I keep making them and continue to actually skate along, I still feel a bit like I’ve fallen into a frozen lake and can’t find my way out.

I wonder: What does ice cost? Ordering a coffee today, I got the coffee and asked for a separate glass of ice. Normally I get some combination of this to create coffee-flavored ice. But I think I get more coffee and more ice ordering them separately, and I don’t have to pay for the ice. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. At least I hope I can start to thaw some of the other suspended things in my life by thinking about them in a new way as I have done with the cost of ice.