Cupcakes, best friends, (god loves) football (songs) and sad movies


The cupcake prep and baking has begun. I feared I might have run out of cupcake papers, but happily have at least some thanks to my colleague Jennifer and some lovely football-themed papers from my friend Jane. (She sent them during the last World Cup; I only got around to using them now since I bake cookies more often than cupcakes.)

This morning I was thinking a lot about someone's songs and how they touched me on some level, but how hearing them feels misleading and painful. Then, later in the evening, I heard his new song. I put it on repeat a few times while making lemon curd. Using football cupcake papers, I am also reminded of another of his songs, God Loves Football.

Meanwhile I watched GasLand, after meaning to do so for ages but being kicked in the ass to do it (finally) by seeing filmmaker Josh Fox on Democracy Now! after his recent arrest for attempting to film a public hearing. Infuriating film, and it makes me feel so out of control and helpless/hopeless.

Then I watched There Once Was an Island (which also makes me think of the aforementioned Jane, who spent time in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea). In this film, Polynesian islanders from a small Pacific atoll are facing challenges related to climate change and must contemplate weathering (no pun intended) the coming storm of global warming or face relocation to Bougainville (with its unfamiliar culture and language) because of the sea encroaching on their own island.

I want to stop thinking about these things. My weekends seem defined by depressing films lately.

One thought on “Cupcakes, best friends, (god loves) football (songs) and sad movies

  1. 0x29a

    I had posted a reply before assimilating the entirety of your original post. The gist of my reply was about the movies, and that yeah, I get it.

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